Apple(‘s) are forever?

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...

Image via CrunchBase

By: Aditya Kshirsagar

Move along, Diamonds! Here come’s, girl’s new best friend, Apple products. Any surprised faces out there? Why?!

Why I wrote this article?  True story compelled me to: here is how it goes: I was amazed when a girl was more interested in getting apps for her iPod touch than flowers. She wanted the iPad more than a diamond necklace (same price range). Shout out to my rapper friends, someone sing Apple(‘s) is girl’s new best friend. Or maybe just re-record Apple on this song:

Putting it into real-world context:
Me: Why do you like Apple products?
Her: They are shiny!

This is something, I would expect from a dumb blonde. Sadly, the girl in question here is smart, well-read, and artistically inclined. The thing is this, she ain’t Indian. It seems the west is an Apple’s bitch and we as Indians are divided into two, technologically. Linux and pop-culture, just a matter of time when Apple becomes, *the shit to own!*

Having said that, I do not know why and how; she goes weak in the knees for Apple. Without dwelling into details, let me just say that… the way the sh*t is changing; Geeks just trouble-shoot those Mac’s now! Why? First read some research…

Stare at her before you start reading further(Psst! Apple logo near her belly-button)

She is a MacGirl!

Here are some research’s already done by scientists, analysts on Apple Products V/s social perception:

The strap-headline is like a punch in the gut

BlackBerry not so many, and Android even fewer, according to an online dating service Read Here

Interesting take on Apple (Product) placement (Personal favorite, designs/Ad students have a look) Read Here

Apple iPhone and Europe (Global take) Read Here

As a person who has a perceived geek image: I would like to say that for me Apple always remained about Woz and the first Mac. The hacker philosophy that Apple came up from; but Mr Jobs did a job of making Billions out of! Even today, seeing Woz talk about how he started as a simple guy just phone-phreaking to making the first home computer is just a journey.

What I do not understand, where did the chicks come from? Apple has dumbed everything down? Is it too restrictive? Am I agreeing with their philosophy? I really ain’t no-one to comment but things have worked out!

A guy is judged not by his friends, but the Apple products he carries. Personal experience, you got the HTC Evo4G (or the best phone out there), don’t matter! You got the iPod Touch? That get’s the girls to talk to you. Go to a busy street and just wave an iPad around, people will talk to you. Most people even do not know what to do with it… They just like it! They like the touch!

Sure, they will be a little awe-struck but will want to be with you! I can so imagine a bollywood movie, “Toh kya hua pitaji? Linux aabhi user kar raha hain, Apple kharid lega woh!” {Yeh market toh! Open source market hain, OEM ka sangam hain!}
Getting back to the point, diamonds are old-school! Get her an Apple and see the magic happen around. Throw them roses away, Apple head-phones. Forget those expensive purse’s, shoes just get her an iPhone! I could try to understand, why is it so? But to me final aim is all that matters!

Android aPad Moonse runs 1.5 and looks fine!

By Aditya Kshirsagar

We all know the Hoopla around the iPad yea yea bla bla whatever! So, I had enough with the news of how iPad is better with Windows 7 and 95 running on it!

Walking around with your desktop! Well, my desktop has a USB and a 5.1 system so thank but no thanks! I don’t want to carry my desktop around!

Anyway I want to present to you from the awesome streets of China the a-pad

Image and Article Source: –


Beautiful I can see market


Now let me rub it in. Yes it has 2 mini-usb ports, camera and all.


But most of all according to confirmed rumors you can expect 2.2 upgrade in these amazing machines!

Not enough? You can own one for $130 to $200 which is still under INR 10, 000.

Time to chose sides! Is it a-pad or i-pad?! Oh btw Android has Flash, yes we have flash 10.1 for Android!

So a-pad +1, i-pad well its a pad! Its only a pad!

Abhishek your turn to defend your beloved Jobs and his fruit!




Apple may have Flash thanks to Lida Tang?

By: – Aditya Kshirsagar

A developer from Boston Lida Tang (32) made cloud browser which finally lets you browse sites featuring flash.

Now we all know about Steve Jobs letter which made clearly about his views about flash to the world if you don’t please do read it here:

But I am happy that Mr Tang finally figured out how to start flash websites on apple products from flash videos and games. But here is the part which is something I find hilarious to play flash.

Here’s how it works: you download the free Cloud Browse App and install it. Then you direct the App to the website of your choice. Here’s where the interesting part comes in: the site is called up on another computer, which streams it back to your iPhone.

Source: ––sort-of/1

The App on iTunes

Source: –

Apple iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad touch with OS 3.0 or higher can equipped with the app for use. The Cloud Browse App works just about anywhere on the Web; except for video site Hulu, which is co-owned by Fox, NBC, and ABC. The developer said, “Hulu is very aggressive about blocking access.”

The application is available on iTunes just that one comment on the Apple site for the application by dimakop caught my eye which read, “All it does is open a VPN to another machine. Be very careful folks, all the pages that are being surfed are available for others to see in the URL. Don’t save your private info on the browser. Watch your backs. It’s tempting but how desperate are you for flash”

How desperate are you flash? Good question!

Jobs says Flash is a battery drainer and resource hog. Well it might be but its simpler its flash.